System consists of one 8" woofer with crossover, two 4" speakers, speaker level control, factory correct wiring, and hardware for installation.
Now tuned for higher bass output!
This system is compatible with all Whitestar/SAM Stern pinball machines with the exception of the AC/DC Premium and LE models (use part number FF-ST-SPK-12-W for these).
This kit is compatible with the following Stern machines:
Striker Xtreme, NFL
Shakey's Shootout
High Roller Casino
Austin Powers
RollerCoaster Tycoon
Harley Davidson Second Edition
The Simpsons Pinball Party
Terminator 3
The Lord Of The Rings
Elvis, Elvis Gold
Ripley's Believe It Or Not
The Sopranos
NASCAR, Grand Prix, Dale Ernhart Jr. LE
World Poker Tour
Pirates Of The Caribbean
Spider-Man, Black Spider-Man LE
Family Guy, Shrek
Wheel Of Fortune
Indiana Jones
Big Buck Hunter
Iron Man, Iron Man Vault Edition
Avatar Pro, Avatar LE
Tron Pro, Tron LE
The Rolling Stones Pro, The Rolling Stones LE
Transformers Pro, Transformers LE (all 3 variants)
AC/DC Pro, AC/DC Pro LED, AC/DC Vault Edition, AC/DC Luci, AC/DC Luci Vault Does not fit AC/DC Premium (both variants) or AC/DC LE (both variants)
X-Men Pro, X-Men Premium, X-Men LE (both variants)
Avengers Pro, Avengers Premium, Avengers LE (both variants)
Metallica Pro, Metallica Pro LED, Metallica Premium (both variants), Metallica LE (both variants), not compatible with Metallica Remastered
Star Trek Pro, Premium, LE, Vault Edition
Mustang Pro, Premium, LE
The Walking Dead Pro, Premium, LE