Scott Danesi "Shit Breakcore" cassette tape! Get your hands on this new cassette release of a live breakcore set Scott performed back in 2005.
All music written, produced, and performed by Scott Danesi.
Message from Scott about this special cassette:
This shitty recording of a live PA by myself, Scott Danesi (AKA DJ Scoto or in this case Dr. Destructo), was recorded in the moment on June 18th, 2005, at the Shawnee Cave Amphitheatre on a borrowed mini disk recorder belonging to DJ Kiddo. The live PA was performed on the main stage in the cave on an absurd amount of audio equipment. I used an old laptop with Ableton Live on it to control a bunch of custom-built and circuit-bent samplers and synths. The most prized of these is my MIDI-controlled Nintendo Entertainment System that once belonged to my late grandmother. I modified the NES to accept a MIDI cartridge and a 1/4 inch audio output. This set has a ton of sequencer errors in it and hardware failures as you will see. There were points where I was sending corrupted MIDI data to the NES to get it to freak out and required a complete reset of the system; you will be able to hear this when the NES locks up on a single note. Samples were used from all sorts of artists, and almost all of the lead lines you hear were written and generated on the fly using the old laptop VSTs. The drum breaks were created and sampled by myself as well. All of the arrangement was done on the fly and in the moment. There is a part at the end where I realized I was running out of time and just started throwing all sorts of noise samples on top of each other. This set ends in a bit reduction to 0 bits on the master channel. You will also notice a ton of ground loop noise as the rave did not have clean power. This set could not have been more perfect, and I hope you enjoy it in its raw form. No mastering was done on this recording whatsoever. Thank you for giving this a listen. If you do not like this set, just give it to someone else to avoid throwing it in a landfill. Thank you so much for giving it a shot.