See secondary picture for compatibility list.
Anyone that has a Spooky or Multimorphic pinball machine knows that the fan is too loud, especially in a home environment. Also, unlike the Spike fans that have thermal control and only come on when the power supply heats up, the fan in Spooky and Multimorphic power supplies is ALWAY ON. This sucks.
This fan kit is designed to replace the stock 34.5dB fan in Spooky/Multimorphic SE-600-48 power supplies to make it almost silent. This replacement 12.8dB fan has less CFM (airflow) than factory one, but since the fan is always running it doesn't make much difference in a home environment where the temperature of the location is already controlled. In testing with this fan installed on multiple machines, the SE-600-48 power supply never exceeded ~101F (the power supply critical shutdown threshold is ~140F), however, all possible pinball machine configurations cannot be known, so you are installing this kit at your own risk.
Another great product from The Pinball Monk!
Another great product from The Pinball Monk!
Please see installation video below: